Patient Cases: MAGEC/Growing Rod

Anonymous 4 | Early Onset Scoliosis
This is a 7-year-old girl who was diagnosed with Early Onset Scoliosis when she was 3 years old. She has been followed by Dr. Vitale since she was 4 years old, and her curve was initially 36 degrees. Her main thoracic curve progressed to 85 degrees so it was decided to proceed forward with surgery.
She had MAGEC rods inserted due ...

Michael M. | Infantile Idiopathic Scoliosis
Idiopathic Infantile Scoliosis, MAGEC/Growing Rod, Scoliosis Bracing, Scoliosis Casting, Torticollis
This is a now 5 year old who we met at 8 months of age with a 29-degree major curve with an RVAD of approximately 25 degrees. This was a supine xray. He then came back 4 months later and had a standing xray that showed a 40 degree curve with an RVAD of 53.
He underwent 4 Mehta style scoliosis ...

Aiden A. | Early Onset Scoliosis
We met Aiden when he was 3 years old for a second opinion in regards to his recently diagnosed scoliosis. He was already in a brace by the time we met him but his out of brace xrays showed a curve of 56 degrees that did not improve in the brace. He was also later diagnosed with underlying Marfan Syndrome ...

Jake T.
Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis, MAGEC + Posterior Spinal Fusion and Instrumentation.
This is a now 13 year old who we have followed since he was 5 years old. He started with a 33 degree curve and initially tried a brace. The curve continued to progress over the years. At the age of 9, his curve had progressed to 64 degrees. At that ...

Mathew M.
Neuromuscular Scoliosis with underlying diagnosis of SMA, MAGEC insertion followed by a Posterior Spinal Fusion 5 years later.
This is an 11 year old who had a MAGEC insertion at 6 years of age in the setting of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) type 2. He had MAGEC lengthenings about every 4 months until it ran out of length at which time ...

Meghan G.
Meghan is a healthy young girl who was diagnosed with Early Onset Scoliosis when she was 6 years old. Meghan came to see Dr. Vitale soon after she was diagnosed. At that visit her main thoracic curve measured 61 degrees. Since Meghan was presenting with a large curve and she had lots of growth remaining, Dr. Vitale recommended using MAGEC ...

Natale B.
Natalie was first diagnosed with scoliosis when she was 3 years old. Initially, her curve was small and was treated conservatively. However, when she went for her regular visit at age 7 her curve had suddenly jumped from 27 degrees to 63 degrees and she was referred to Dr. Vitale for further management....

Ismaeel is a 6-year-old boy who has been seeing Dr. Vitale since he was 5 months old for several orthopedic concerns. He and his 10-year-old brother Yaseen were born with a rare disorder that causes multiple skeletal abnormalities such as short stature, bowed legs, and scoliosis.
Over the years, beginning when Ismaeel was 2 years old, Dr. Vitale performed several surgeries ...