Patient Cases: Schroth Therapy

Victoria M. | Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis
Instrumentation, Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis, Schroth Therapy, Scoliosis Bracing, Selective Thoracic Posterior Spinal Fusion, Spinal Fusion
This is a 12 year old whom I met when she was 7 years old. At that time, she had a curves measuring 26 and 21 proximal to distal. We recommended Schroth physical therapy.
When she started hitting her growth spurt her curve progressed to the 30 degree range. She started bracing along with the Schroth. She had trouble with full ...

Jack M. | Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis, Instrumentation, Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis, Lenke Type 2A+, Schroth Therapy, Scoliosis Bracing, Spinal Fusion, Sports
Jack came to us as a second opinion at the age of 9. He had recently been diagnosed but wanted another opinion. He had 21 and 20 degree curves at that time. He started with Schroth physical therapy and did great with this.
A year later his curve progressed and he was prescribed a Rigo Cheneau N brace which is a ...

Isabella D. | Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Isabella was ten years old when she first came to our office upon the recommendation of her pediatrician for suspected scoliosis. Isabella is very active playing tennis and soccer. Isabella clinically appeared to have slight asymmetries at her shoulder and flank. Her X-rays showed curves measuring 29, 22, and 16 degrees.
Upon discussion of natural history of scoliosis during rapid growth, ...

Anonymous 6 | Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
This patient is an 18 year old who we met when she was 13 years old. She had curves measuring 29 and 31 degrees. We recommended bracing and Schroth PT. She wore the brace on average 18 hours a day and did Schroth PT with Gail Fennell. Her curves continued to decrease with the bracing and Schroth protocol. At the ...

Janelle M.
Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis, NYRC bracing
This is a 9 year old who came to our office for the first time with a 50 degree curve. We spoke about options which included bracing and surgery. We spoke about the fact that since she was so young we would recommend a MAGEC insertion. After considering the options, Janelle and her family decided on ...

Starla M.
Starla first came to our office at the age of 5 as a second opinion for Early Onset Scoliosis. Starla’s aunt first noted asymmetries. Upon X-Ray, Starla had severe thoracic and lumbar curves of 55 and 47 degrees. With severe curves, we discussed bracing, casting, and surgical interventions. Her parents wanted to postpone surgery as long as possible, as a ...

Andrew C.
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis, Pediatric Scoliosis, Schroth Therapy, Scoliosis Bracing, Spinal Fusion
Andrew was 13 when he first presented to our office. He has a positive family history of scoliosis with his older brother having a spinal fusion. I had a discussion with Andrew and his parents about non operative treatment of scoliosis. I recommended both bracing and Schroth physical therapy. He started this right away. We discussed various brace options and ...

Kate S.
Kate was a 13 year old when she presented to our office. She had a 48 degree main thoracic curve. We spoke about the fact that she had lots of growth left and her curve was in a surgical range. We did spend some time talking about some other options including bracing, Schroth physical therapy, and observation. They went to ...