Patient Cases: Spinal Fusion

Commonly Performed Scoliosis Surgeries Before & After—2BN
This listing shows a series of X-ray images of this case, showing before and after images. Case Type: 2BN....

Commonly Performed Scoliosis Surgeries Before & After—2AN
This listing shows a series of X-ray images of this case, showing before and after images. Case Type: 2AN....

Commonly Performed Scoliosis Surgeries Before & After—1CN
This listing shows a series of X-ray images of this case, showing before and after images. Case Type: 1CN....

Commonly Performed Scoliosis Surgeries Before & After—1B
This listing shows a series of X-ray images of this case, showing before and after images. Case Type: 1B....

Commonly Performed Scoliosis Surgeries Before & After—1AN
This listing shows a series of X-ray images of this case, showing before and after images. Case Type: 1AN....

Samantha P. | Syndromic Scoliosis
Samantha was a 15 year old that presented to Dr. Vitale with a large scoliosis. She had been diagnosed at age 11 and was also having back pain. She had tried bracing and therapy prior to seeing Dr. Vitale. The curve was beginning to impact her quality of life so they sought Dr. Vitale out for another opinion.
They proceeded forward ...