Patient Cases: Syndromic Scoliosis

Anonymous 17 | Syndromic Scoliosis
Familial Dysautonomia, Scoliosis Bracing, Selective Thoracic Posterior Spinal Fusion, Spinal Fusion, Syndromic Scoliosis
This is a 19 year old teenage girl who has syndromic scoliosis secondary to familial dysautonomia. She was first diagnosed with familial dysautonomia at the age of 3. She first saw Dr. Vitale when she was 11 years old. At first visit, she had a thoracic curve of 37 degrees and so a brace was prescribed for her. However, her ...

Anonymous 8 | Syndromic Scoliosis
11-year-old female diagnosed with Syndromic Scoliosis. Managed with conservative bracing until 2020, but didn’t tolerate very well due to breathing concerns while wearing it. Has seen multiple orthopaedic & neurosurgeons in the past and was recommended surgical intervention given curve magnitude (61° 5 months prior). She came to Dr. Vitale for another opinion.
Instrumentation: MSD stainless steel growth guided system. Shilla ...

Margaret G. | Early Onset Scoliosis
Chiari Malformation, Early Onset Scoliosis, Scoliosis Bracing, Spinal Fusion, Sports, Syndromic Scoliosis
Margaret came to us as a second opinion at 16 years old. She was originally diagnosed with scoliosis at the age of 5. She had an MRI that showed a chiari malformation and syrinx that required intervention by Dr. Neil Feldstein at Columbia. She then wore a scoliosis brace for 10 years. She discontinued her brace at the end of ...

Aiden A. | Early Onset Scoliosis
We met Aiden when he was 3 years old for a second opinion in regards to his recently diagnosed scoliosis. He was already in a brace by the time we met him but his out of brace xrays showed a curve of 56 degrees that did not improve in the brace. He was also later diagnosed with underlying Marfan Syndrome ...

Aibhlinn C. | Early onset scoliosis
Early Onset Scoliosis, Scoliosis Bracing, Scoliosis Case with Tethered Cord, Scoliosis Casting, Syndromic Scoliosis
Aibhlinn came to us as an 18 month old. Mom had recently noticed a difference on her back and they brought her in for an evaluation and first xray. She had curves of 44 and 47. She had an RVAD of 22 degrees. We recommended obtaining a spine MRI to evaluate for syrinx, chiari and tethered cord and started the ...

Reagan W.
Syndromic Scoliosis in the setting of Charcot Marie Tooth, Posterior Spinal Fusion and Instrumentation.
This is a 12 year old with Syndromic scoliosis in the setting of Charcot Marie Tooth. She had a 50 degree thoracic curve and a 50 degree lumbar curve. The scoliosis was discovered after some other surgeries that she had done recently. She had a fusion from ...

Ismaeel is a 6-year-old boy who has been seeing Dr. Vitale since he was 5 months old for several orthopedic concerns. He and his 10-year-old brother Yaseen were born with a rare disorder that causes multiple skeletal abnormalities such as short stature, bowed legs, and scoliosis.
Over the years, beginning when Ismaeel was 2 years old, Dr. Vitale performed several surgeries ...

Samantha P. | Syndromic Scoliosis
Samantha was a 15 year old that presented to Dr. Vitale with a large scoliosis. She had been diagnosed at age 11 and was also having back pain. She had tried bracing and therapy prior to seeing Dr. Vitale. The curve was beginning to impact her quality of life so they sought Dr. Vitale out for another opinion.
They proceeded forward ...