September 08, 2017
Columbia Orthopedics Adult & Pediatric Spine Team at the 2017 Scoliosis Research Society Annual Meeting

This week, faculty, residents, fellows, and researchers from Columbia Orthopedics will be presenting their research at the 2017 Scoliosis Research Society Annual Meeting. To read abstracts and view the complete schedule, view the program here. Below are the topics that will be presented at the conference:
Wednesday, September 6th
Management of a Catastrophic Intra-Operative Events: The WHO Standard of Care in Handling these Events
Presenter: Lawrence Lenke, MD
Paper Presentation
The Threshold for Treatment of Post-Operative Anemia and Coagulopathies
Presenter: Ronald Lehman, Jr., MD
Podium Presentation
How a Missed Post-Operative Complication Can Lead to Cascading Consequences: Pediatric & Adult Cases
Presenter: Mark Weidenbaum, MD
Case Presentation Series
How Are We Doing? Compared to What? Analysis of Outcomes and QoL
Presenter: Michael Vitale, MD, MPH
Half-day Course
Thursday, September 7th
Thoracic-Only Fusions for Double (Type 3) and Triple (Type 4) Major Curves in AIS at a Minimum 5 Year Follow-Up: Are They Possible and Durable?
Presenter: Lawrence Lenke, MD
Paper presentation
Oblique Lateral Interbody Fusion
Presenter: Ronald Lehman, Jr., MD
Half-day Course
Mental Health and not Deformity Magnitude Correlate to Self Image in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Presenter: Lawrence Lenke, MD
Guidelines for Surgical Reduction in High-Grade L5-S1 Spondylolisthesis Based on Quality of Life
Presenter: Lawrence Lenke, MD
Paper Presentation
Prospective Multicenter Assessment of All-Cause Mortality Following Surgery for Adult Cervical Deformity (ACD)
Presenter: K. Daniel Riew, MD
Paper presentation
Don’t You Wish You Had Fused to the Pelvis the First Time: A Comparison of Reoperation Rate and Correction of Pelvic Obliquity
Presenter: Michael Vitale, MD, MPH
Paper presentation
Friday, September 8th
An Analysis of the Relative Incidence and Outcomes of Minor vs. Major Neurological Decline after Complex Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: A Sub-analysis of Scoli-RISK-1 Study
Presenter: Lawrence Lenke, MD
Paper presentation
Deep Surgical Site Infections (SSIs) Following Growth-Friendly Procedures in Children with Non-idiopathic Scoliosis Requiring Repetitive Surgery: Per Patient Risk 6-Fold Higher than Per Procedure Risk
Presenter: Michael Vitale, MD, MPH
Paper presentation
Development of a Risk Severity Score Predicting Surgical Site Infection in Early Onset Scoliosis
Presenter: Hiroko Matsumoto
Podium presentation
All that Glitters is Not Gold – Serial Casting for EOS Negatively Affects Health-Related Quality of Life even after Discontinuation of Serial Casting: A 2 Year Follow-up
Presenter: Hiroko Matsumoto
Podium presentation
Saturday, September 9th
Postoperative Surgical Site Infection after Spine Surgery: An Update from the Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) Morbidity and Mortality Database
Presenter: Alex Ha, MD
Paper presentation
Perioperative Complications after Vertebral Column Resection (VCR) for Severe Pediatric Spinal Deformity
Presenter: Lawrence Lenke, MD
Paper presentation
Incidence and Risk Factors of Post-Operative Neurological Decline after Complex Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: Results of the Scoli-RISK-1 Study
Presenter: Lawrence Lenke, MD
Paper presentation
Unilateral vs. Bilateral Lower Extremity Motor Deficit Following Complex Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: Is there a Difference in Recovery Up to 2 Year F/U?
Presenter: Alexander Tuchman, MD – Comprehensive Spine Fellow
Paper presentation
Visual Loss Following Spine Surgery: What Have We Seen Within the Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) Morbidity and Mortality Database?
Presenter: Jamal Shillingford, MD
Paper presentation
Adult Symptomatic Lumbar Scoliosis: Randomized Results from a Dual-Arm Study
Presenter: Lawrence Lenke, MD
Paper presentation
Courtesy of Columbia Orthopedics Site