September 15, 2024

Dr. Vitale Participates in SRS 2024

September 10–14, 2024 | Dr. Vitale contributed to the SRS (Scoliosis Research Society) Annual Meeting through papers and abstracts.

He was involved with the following papers:

Paper #31: Accurate Scoring System Predicts Cord-Level Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (IONM) Loss During Spinal Deformity Surgery: A Machine Learning Algorithm

Paper #45: Utility of Preoperative Echocardiogram for Large Curve Scoliosis Patients

Paper #74: Increased Main Thoracic Curve Correction is Associated with Worse Postop Radiographic Shoulder Balance, Especially in Lenke 1A Curves with Balanced Shoulders Preop

Paper #77: A Large Comparison Study Demonstrates Little to No Difference in Deformity Correction when Using Ponte Osteotomies for Lenke 1 and 2 AIS Curves

Paper #112: Documenting the Variation of Proximal Foundation Construct and Their Correlation with Unplanned Return to the Operating Room in Children with Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods

Paper #115: Risk of Proximal Junctional Kyphosis After Revision of Growing Rod Constructs

Paper #116: Osteotomies at the Time of Graduation Surgery: How Much Do We Get from Them?

Paper #134: Distribution of Curve Flexibility in Idiopathic Scoliosis – A Descriptive Study

Paper #137: Improvement in Axial Rotation with Bracing Reduces Risk of Curve Progression in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

Paper #171: A Changing EOS Phenotype in SMA: Nusinersen Use is Associated with Increased Curve Magnitude and Kyphosis at the Time of Index Surgery

Paper #174: Not All Are Created Equal: Lumbosacral Anatomy is Different in Pediatric Spondylolysis

Dr. Vitale was part of the following podium presentation abstracts titles:

  • Utility Of Preoperative Echocardiogram For Large Curve Scoliosis Patients
  • Increased Main Thoracic Curve Correction Is Associated With Worse Postop Radiographic Shoulder Balance, Especially In Lenke 1a Curves With Balanced Shoulders Preop
  • A Large Comparison Study Demonstrates Little To No Difference In Deformity Correction When Using Ponte Osteotomies For Lenke 1 And 2 Ais Curves
  • Documenting The Variation Of Proximal Foundation Construct And Their Correlation With Unplanned Return To The Operating Room In Children With Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods
  • Risk Of Proximal Junctional Kyphosis After Revision Of Growing Rod Constructs
  • Osteotomies At The Time Of Graduation Surgery: How Much Do We Get From Them?
  • Distribution Of Curve Flexibility In Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Descriptive Study
  • Improvement In Axial Rotation With Bracing Reduces Risk Of Curve Progression In Patients With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
  • A Changing Eos Phenotype In Sma: Nusinersen Use Is Associated With Increased Curve Magnitude And Kyphosis At The Time Of Index Surgery

In 2023, Dr. Vitale also accepted a position on the SRS Board of Directors.

More About the SRS Annual Meeting

59th Annual Meeting

September 10–14, 2024 | Seattle, Washington, USA

The Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) Annual Meeting is a forum for the realization of the Society’s mission and goals, the improvement of patient care for those with spinal deformities. Faculty-led instructional course lectures, case discussions, and abstract papers will be presented on an array of topics, including adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, growing spine, kyphosis, adult deformity, minimally invasive surgery, machine learning, and mental health considerations.

Meeting Details:

  • During a five-year period, held in North America three times and outside North America twice.
  • Approximately 1,500 attendees.
  • The latest and greatest scientific research, methods, and techniques in spinal deformity.
  • 4-day program including Pre-Meeting Course, Scientific Program, Lunchtime Symposia, Case Based Discussions, Industry Workshops, and E-Point presentations.
  • Podium presentations are four minutes in length.
  • Minimum two-year follow up required for abstract submissions. The two-year follow up rule does not apply for categories of basic science or biomechanical studies or for topics where two-year follow up is irrelevant, such as 30 day re-admission rates.
  • Topics focus on current scoliosis and spinal deformity research.
Dr. Vitale Speaks at the SRS Annual Meeting in Seattle

Dr. Vitale Speaks at the SRS Annual Meeting

The SRS Annual Meeting Is a 4-day program including Pre-Meeting Course, Scientific Program, Half-Day Courses, Lunchtime Symposia, Case Based Discussions, Industry Workshops, and E-Point presentations. 

Who Should Attend?

The Annual Meeting is open to anyone involved in the treatment of spinal deformities including surgeons, residents and fellows, physician assistants, nurses, and other allied health professionals and researchers. The podium presentations will provide valuable information to all individuals caring for patients with spinal deformities.