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Pediatric orthopaedic surgeons from around the world gathered for IPOS (International Pediatric Orthopaedic Symposium), Dec., 2024


December 3–7, 2024, IPOS (International Pediatric Orthopaedic Symposium) welcomed hundreds of pediatric orthopaedic surgeons and other professionals from around the world to Orlando, Florida. The in-depth, interactive four-day program delivered new insights about the field of pediatric orthopaedics. In addition, it explored how to integrate new techniques, technology, and best practices into real-world situations.

The mission of IPOS is to provide the highest quality pediatric orthopaedic education to learners and practitioners of all levels.

With this mission in mind, Michael Vitale, MD, MPH, gave or moderate the following presentations: “Total Patient Care: The Complex Neuromuscular Spine,” and “Kyphectomy: How to Minimize Complications,” on Wednesday, Dec. 4th. He also participated in the Q&A/Case Discussion following the second session.

On Thursday, Dec. 5th, Dr. Vitale presented, “Scolioisis-Specific Exercise” and participated in the panel discussion that followed.

During the Leadership Institute on Friday, Dr. Vitale presented, “Good to Great: Five Steps to Division/Department Leadership Success.”

From fundamental fracture care to advanced surgical reconstruction, the IPOS world-renowned faculty shared their expertise in a multitude of subspecialty fields of pediatric orthopaedics.

Amber Mizerik, PA-C, spoke during Wednesday afternoon’s APP Breakout: Backbone Breakthroughs: Advancing Pediatric Spine Care Moderator, Valerie Parrish, PA-C. Her presentation was titled, “Straightening Spines, Uplifting Minds: Mental Health in Scoliosis Patients.”

Amber Mizerik, PA-C, (left) and Michael Vitale, MD, MPH, (right) present talks at IPOS

IPOS Learning Objectives:

  • Describe foundational aspects of pediatric orthopaedic principles and techniques
  • Analyze and incorporate innovations and advances in pediatric orthopaedic surgery when applicable
  • Identify potential for and apply improvements to your practice and treatment/outcomes optimization plans
  • Practice hands-on techniques for a wide variety of procedures to improve performance
  • Develop a growth mindset, soft skills, and emotional intelligence for practice success

Top 5 Reasons to Attend IPOS®:

  • Learn how to effectively diagnose common and uncommon pediatric orthopaedic conditions
  • Hear about effective non-operative treatment of diagnoses in pediatric orthopaedics
  • Understand the common surgical procedures that can effectively improve the lives of children with these conditions
  • Be an active participant in the debate on the current controversies in this field
  • Enjoy the interaction of other like-minded attendees and faculty

“The faculty members are the heart and soul of IPOS®. They are world-leading experts in their subspecialties, enthusiastic educators, approachable mentors, and inspirational leaders.” — Dr. Derek Kelly

Interested in IPOS®?

Save the Date for 2025: Dec. 2–6 in Orlando, FL. Watch this space for more information.

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