Tag: pediatric orthopaedic education

Michael Vitale, MD Presents at IPOS 2023
Posted on December 21, 2023
At IPOS 2023, Michael Vitale, MD, MPH spoke on the following topic: "SMA Spine: From EOS to PSF to Intrathecal Access," on Wednesday, Dec. 6th. He also participated in the Q&A/Case Discussion following the session. On Thursday, Dec. 7th, Dr. Vitale presented, "Scoliosis in AMC and Bruck Syndrome: How to Navigate the Challenges." He also participated in this session's discussion with a panel of other professionals. Later that day, Dr. Vitale contributed to Case Presentations and Discussions. He also presented, "Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (Small Group-Based Discussion): Neuromonitoring Challenges." Read More