I’m on the mend and I AM BACK in the saddle again!

(…for having my back).
I’m on the mend and will be back in the saddle again soon! Your love and support have made all the difference 🙂
I’m feeling better and stronger every day!
Thank you for everything!
An Update from Margaret:
After 10 years of brace-wearing, my curve had progressed past the point of stability and threatened to inhibit the physical aspects and activities I enjoy so much in life. On August 3rd of 2022, I received a corrective spinal fusion that shifted my life forever. After just six weeks of recovery, I was back on my horse, and 3 months later, I was winning grand champion in my first competition back on the circuit. 6 months following the surgery I began training for a highly competitive NJROTC leadership program and successfully met the immense physical requirements needed for selection—less than a year following surgery, I completed the same basic training required of cadets at the US Naval Academy. Currently I am training for future horse shows jumping at the 2’6 and could not be more grateful to Dr. Vitale and his team for such a quick, successful, and life-changing surgery!