May 19, 2017
4th Annual Non Operative Treatment of Childhood Scoliosis

Dr. Vitale was a codirector of the 4th Annual Non Operative Treatment of Childhood Scoliosis Conference. It was an opportunity to learn about state of the art, non-operative treatment of scoliosis across the ages. In recent years we have gained a new appreciation for, and experience with Mehta casting in children with infantile and juvenile scoliosis. Experts in the field shared theories and hands on practical tips in Mehta or EF casting. Patients with juvenile and adolescent scoliosis also have vastly expanded palette of treatment options including Schroth physical therapy and Rigo Cheneau bracing. Experts from Columbia’s Center for the Conservative Treatment of Scoliosis and visiting lecturers shared their experience in presentations and will demonstrate best practices in workshop settings.
The course reviewed the current state of knowledge about bracing, updated recently by the pivotal BRAIST trial. We were excited to have one of the authors of this trial, Dr. Stuart Weinstein here to speak on scoliosis and bracing. Participants emerged with a renewed appreciation of the three dimensional aspects of scoliosis and the full gamut of modern treatment options. Highlights included presentations by patients and families of patients who have successfully been treated with casting, Schroth therapy and Rigo Cheneau bracing. The faculty and speakers are the most experienced in the field, bringing expertise in bracing, casting, and therapy for childhood scoliosis.
The theme of the conference was #CureAIS and we look forward to continuing that momentum generated at the conference. We look forward to seeing everyone at next year’s Non Operative Treatment of Childhood Scoliosis Conference.
4th Annual Non Operative Treatment of Childhood Scoliosis Program