June 13, 2023

Discover More About Scoliosis Awareness Month & Resources

National Scoliosis Awareness Month

June is National Scoliosis Awareness Month. Its purpose is to highlight the need for public education, early detection, and awareness about scoliosis and its prevalence within the community. The National Scoliosis Awareness Month campaign also brings together scoliosis patients, families, physicians, clinicians, institutions and related businesses in collaborative partnerships of local activities, events, and grassroots networking throughout the month.

Find out more through the Scoliosis Research Society website. This organization is dedicated to the optimal care of patients with spinal deformity.

Contact us anytime for more information about scoliosis awareness, diagnosis, and treatment.

National Scoliosis Awareness Month Campaign Materials

Help Support the National Scoliosis Awareness Month Campaign

Every year, SRS sends requests to all US governors asking them to proclaim June as National Scoliosis Awareness Month. SRS invites all scoliosis patients, family members and advocates to support this request by sending in their own letters of support. You can use this link to the National Governors Association (NGA) to find the name and contact information to send your letter to your state’s governor.

Thank you helping to support the National Scoliosis Awareness Month Campaign!