January 22, 2018
Pediatric Orthopedic Team Argues for Use of Sanders Classification for AIS

Columbia Orthopedics providers Michael G. Vitale, MD, MPH and Benjamin D. Roye, MD, MPH and Director of Clinical Research Hiroko Matsumoto were published in Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics for their research “High Risk of Mismatch Between Sanders and Risser Staging in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Are We Guiding Treatment Using the Wrong Classification?” The team argues for using the Sanders classification for identifying adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) instead of the traditional Risser Staging. The study examined 165 consecutive patients to reach its conclusion that Sanders leads to better treatment guidance while Risser staging resulted in a majority of undertreated patients.
For more about this study, read the full article here
Courtesy of Columbia Orthopedics